MiVoice Office 400
Flexible and versatile UC and collaboration tools
Delivering a flexible, versatile communications solution, MiVoice Office 400 has been specially designed to meet the needs of small and medium-sized businesses, allowing additional users, new telephones or even additional locations to be integrated with ease.
MiVoice Office 400 is designed to run on standard devices that are powerful enough to support up to 600 users.
With UCC (Unified Communications & Collaboration), the various means of communication (such as telephony, email, voicemail, fax, video and chat) are combined to form a complete solution and then supplemented with additional functions such as presence indication.
MiVoice Office 400 has specific solutions for industries such as: The healthcare sector, Trade and industry, Hotels and restaurants, Public buildings and facilities.
Key Benefits
Increasing efficiency (including through computer telephony integration and telephone directories)
Simplifying processes
Enhancing collaboration
Integrating office applications
Reducing costs
MiVoice Office 400 covers:
A whole host of modern terminals (SIP, digital, analog)
UCC clients and softphones offering video, presence indication and chat functionality
Mobility solutions (DECT, SIP-DECT, mobile client for smartphones and tablets)
Audio, web and video conferencing
Call centers
You are more than welcome to contact us